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Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form

Why Join Us?

Here are 10 reasons why you should join our sixth form...

We are a small sixth form

Our class sizes are small, offering a personalised approach to learning and providing you with an insight into university style teaching. Your teachers will be able to challenge you when you need to be stretched and help you when you are struggling.

We have over 20 courses available

Our wide range of A level and equivalent courses, means that you can tailor your learning based on your individual strengths, passions and aspirations.  

We have outstanding teachers

All courses are taught by our high quality, specialist staff who are experts in their field and have a wealth of experience in working with students at post 16 level.

We provide you with greater freedom and independence

As sixth form students, you are treated as adults and are given greater freedom and independence; from a relaxed dress code to free periods that can be spent at home in the afternoons. However, with that comes greater responsibility. You are expected to manage your own time and take on leadership roles within the school and sixth form. This makes QE6 an excellent springboard for sampling the independence of university life.

We offer dedicated support

You will have access to a dedicated learning mentor who will work with you on a 1:1 basis as well as a highly skilled pastoral team to support you both academically, personally and mentally.

We offer a range of enriching opportunities and meaningful experiences

Our co-curricular opportunities include course trips, surgeries, a lecture series, study skills workshops, a range of societies and the EPQ. These aim to extend your learning and boost your CV and applications. Our QE6 Extras Programme aims to help you develop the skills and qualities that will make you stand out as the ideal candidate; all whilst allowing you the chance to pursue your interests and passions alongside your friends.

We offer fantastic student perks

Perks include free access to the school’s state-of-the-art fitness suite, use of Costa, the opportunity to loan a laptop and so much more.

We are future focused

All students have access to a careers advisor and receive personalised careers guidance, including UCAS workshops, personal statement and CV writing workshops, mock interviews, work experience opportunities, careers and apprenticeship fairs, and masterclasses with external businesses and professionals. You’ll be well prepared as you decide on applications and embark on the next stage of your educational career.

We place great importance on wellbeing

Mental health and wellbeing have never been so important. At QE6 there are numerous initiatives that are run, including Grow Therapy and Keep Fit Sessions, to encourage you to reflect on your mental health and wellbeing, and also learn strategies to help you deal with life’s many challenges.

We are in a great location

We have excellent transport links from across Luton, including dedicated bus services.